
How to Take Care of Gerbils

How to Take Care of Gerbils

Gerbils are popular pets, ideal for a child’s first pet and great companions for all ages. But what care do gerbils need to thrive and have happy, healthy lives? About Gerbils Gerbils are small mammals related to mice, rats, and other rodents. There are more than 100 species of these desert-dwelling mammals, with different gerbils found throughout Asia, Africa, and India. While their size varies, most gerbils are 6-12 inches long, with half that length taken up by their tails. These are social animals, and gerbils tend to be most active during the day as well as during the twilight...

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Why Do Dogs Roll Around in Smelly Stuff?

Why Do Dogs Roll Around in Smelly Stuff?

Dog owners are often unpleasantly surprised when their canine companion returns from a romp covered with unpleasant smells and questionable muck. Why do dogs roll around in smelly stuff, and how can you curb that noxious behavior? What Dogs Might Roll In Dogs are attracted to strong, potent odors that have many more layers of interest and aromatic subtleties than humans can detect. Their sensitive noses can hone in on a wide range of smells, and dogs may roll in a wide variety of odiferous substances, including… Feces and manure, either dried or fresh Carrion, roadkill, and carcasses, including dead...

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Bloom Where You're Planted with The 5 Best Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Bloom Where You're Planted with The 5 Best Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Creating the perfect habitat for your new aquatic friends is just as important as selecting the right species to fill your tank. Plants provide habitat enrichment, shelter, and filtration for your tank. You don't need to have a green thumb to care for these 5 best aquarium plants for beginners! Freshwater aquariums will thrive with a lush garden of exotic vegetation for your fishy friends to enjoy. 1.) Marimo Moss Ball Give your tank an Alice in Wonderland aesthetic with whimsical moss balls! These fun, little plants are among the easiest aquarium plants to care for. They're commonly sold as...

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Should My Caged Bird Have a Bath?

Should My Caged Bird Have a Bath?

A bird bath is a popular outdoor fixture that wild birds enjoy, but what about your pet cage bird? Should there be a bath available for your bird, or should you take the time to bathe your feathered friend? The Importance of Cleanliness for Cage Birds Your bird's cage can quickly become a filthy place as feces, food debris, seed hulls and shed feathers accumulate. Bedding can get soaked and smell, toys may get shredded and all the regular dust of your household will also infiltrate the cage. When a pet bird is dirty, they are more susceptible to disease...

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How to Housetrain an Adult Dog

How to Housetrain an Adult Dog

Housetraining a puppy can be a challenge, but what about an adult dog? No matter what the age of your canine companion, there are ways to housetrain an adult dog and help improve their potty habits. Why an Older Dog May Need Housetraining An adult dog may need housetraining for many reasons. If the dog has been adopted, it may never have been housetrained previously, or it may have spent a long period in a kennel or shelter and lost its housetraining habits. Dogs that have always lived outdoors may not have been formally housetrained, or older dogs may need...

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